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Valheim Dedicated Server – AWS Infrastructure as Code

I recently had a friend buy the game for me so that I could help guide them like Daddy Falkon does. 😛

For Valheim, it was a little more complicated than usual and I was very fortunate to find some help from an awesome group of people that ZeroBandwidth put together.

It started off as me doing the port forwarding on my home router and starting a server via the windows batch file, but I realized I didn’t like this security hole in my home and also didn’t want to leave my computer up all the time just in case a friend wanted to play.

Enter, cloud provider, Amazon Web Services. For a profession I’ve built some pretty cool stuff in the cloud and automated it with Infrastructure as Code. I was able to repurpose a lot of the knowledge and code base from those projects and quickly migrate the server I had locally on my main machine to AWS.

I may share more on the journey later, but for now I just wanted to share the repository because I’m kind of excited about this project and delving into Terraforming some of the other major cloud providers.

Let me know what you think either in the comments here, discord, or on the GitHub itself. I’m working on creating a regular stream schedule so you could potentially catch me on there as well. The readme in the repository has links to the ZeroBandwidth stuff as well.